Pasta Dough - use the recipe I wrote about earlier, but add an extra egg to make it smoother.
¼ pumpkin, diced
¼ cup cream
Spring onion (3-4 strands)
Sage leaves, shredded
Spinach, cut finely
1 tablespoon parmesan
Roast pumpkin til browned and soft, allow to cool slightly; fry spring onions and add spinach to soften; add all ingredients together, making sure to mash the pumpkin well.
I don't have one of those fancy ravioli trays, so I used my own fancy brain to work out the spacings between each 'rav'. Use a bit of egg yolk and some water to seal the edges, and a pastry cutter to cut the edges, too. Cook in boiling water for around 5 mins, depending on the size of your rav's.
For a sauce, you can pretty much use anything. I made a cream, precorino and spinach sauce. But it would work with maybe a tomato based sauce, too.